
The final result of this very complex and interesting project is a set of Webinars dealing with the following aspects:

    • Citizenship and integration course for refugees which covers topics such as rights and responsibilities, language and culture, and finding work and housing.
    • Professional development classes in areas such as leadership, project management, and business writing.
    • Cultural intelligence and intercultural communication, which help refugees navigate cultural differences and communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.
    • Cultural orientation courses, which cover topics such as customs, values, and social norms of the host country.
    • Digital Skills
    • Mental health and well-being resources, which provide information on coping with trauma and stress
citizenship and integration
Each partner created 3 micro-courses. The videos can be found on the project’s learning platform.

Online Learning Platform for Key Skills Micro Courses

The Courses are of interest for everbody that wants to help making the fast changing world a little bit easier for people that face difficult periods in their lives . Especially for those of you that are working with Refugees, people with a migrant background, elderly job-seeking people and people returning to work after parental leave or long term sick-leave. Sign up for 1 or more of these courses and let us have your feedback! The Webinars have the following contents: You can also watch the videos on our you tube channel and translate everything into your chosen language.

For insights into the evaluations of our project webinars, please refer to the General Report.